You have probably heard it being said a couple of times, “SARMs do not require a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)“. They will and suppress your natural hormone production and in some cases, you will require a PCT. Does SARMs need a PCT? It’s a question I hear. To answer this question: yes and no.

There are multiple things which will play a part in whether you will require a SARMs PCT or not. Which factors? Well, first of all, which compound is used and for how long. By way of example, 20mg of RAD-140 for 12 weeks will be more suppressive than an 8-week Ostarine cycle using 20mg. This is principally due to the compound’s potency. Looking at both this milligram per milligram, RAD-140 is much stronger than Ostarine. It’s also worth mentioning that not everybody experiences the same levels of suppression.

SR-9009 (Stenabolic), MK-677 (Ibutamoren) and GW-501516 (Cardarine) do not require a SARMs PCT because they do not affect natural hormone production.

9 out of 10 times, Ostarine Doesn’t require a PCT. But why? Well, Ostarine is the most popular. It is my estimation is a compound that is great and suppresses your normal hormone production. It provides results that are reasonable and can be side effect free. I truly believe it to be great for cutting and recording and even it’s a fantastic addition. To give you an idea, I have run Ostarine with no issues. I felt great after the cycle and all I did was use the Alpha which is amazing for recovery.

With Ostarine in general, most users do not seem to need hardcore PCT such as Clomid or Nolvadex. I highly suggest a natural testosterone booster to provide them some help with healing. That is almost always a good idea in my opinion. Most evaluation boosters contain a blend of different herbs like Ashwagandha. They’ve been proven to help improve testosterone. I always suggest purchasing a testosterone booster if you are coming from a SARM or Prohormones cycle. They will assist with maintaining profits energy and boost libido.

LGD-4033 PCT
Now, the more powerful SARMs are another story. Often RAD-140, YK11, S23, and LGD-4033 are considered the”more powerful” compounds. Particularly when running at large doses for a longer period, they’re more suppressive. In these scenarios, you will probably always call for a PCT like Nolvadex or Clomid. Pretty much every website I came across that involved these compounds, a PCT was run by the user.

I do have to mention that not everyone uses an LGD-4033 PCT to get a low dosage cycle of Ligandrol. I did not use a PCT after my 5mg, 8-week LGD-4033 cycle either and recovered just fine. Make sure to take a testosterone booster like the Alpha to aid with recovery.

If you can get bloodwork done before your cycle, then I would suggest doing so. Based on your hormone panel you will have the ability to see how much of an effect the cycle has had on your levels. Some of us will choose to SARMs PCT based on how they feel. However, when you have bloodwork, it will affirm if you want a post cycle therapy or not. If your hormones are on the low end of this range and you feel horrible a good PCT will allow you to recuperate and get you back on track.

Of course, everyone will have their own opinion on if you want a post cycle therapy (PCT) or not. I think it’s very important to do as much research as you possibly can. Better safe than sorry!


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